Check out these awesome sites for more great STEM ideas and options.
Anne Jolly is someone who really gets what makes a middle school STEM program effective. She doesn't mince words and puts lots of effort into helping educators of all types figure out the best way to integrate a REAL STEM program. Check out some of her writings here:
Something Jolly mentions but I found on my own as well, is a goldmine called "DesignSquad"- this PBS Show follows teams of teen engineers faced with real world problems. Amazing unbelievable videos, small class activities, and great explanations. My personal favorites are "Tour De BBQ" and the episode where they need to build a bridge using no power tools :)! Your students will be amazed at what they can actually build with their own hands and what ideas they can conceptualize and build on. There are many extensions you can bring to your own classroom such as greeting card hacks and cardboard furniture. Check it out at
Intel provides some free STEM curriculum. Sort through it-you will certainly find what you are looking for! curriculum